Walking by the lazy Colorado River after feasting on Thanksgiving dinner at the RV park in Kerrville. Hand in hand alternately with my wife… my daughter… both of them… Watching Aimee run ahead, then drop back to grab our hands and command: "One, Two, THREE!" expecting to be lifted off her feet and propelled forward, swung by our lifted hands.
Aimee spying a giant oak tree leaf, brown and discarded beside the path. Soon a dried oak leaf bouquet begins to form. "Here, Daddy - this one is for you!" as she holds out one particularly large leaf. I take it and put it over my heart where it stays in place, somehow magically adhering to my fleece jacket. Aimee smiling, then skipping away again - off on her quest to find more fallen leaves, more wondrous beauty hidden in plain sight.
As I gaze outside, at the rain and pools of water and fallen leaves littering the ground, my thoughts wander to heaven: Images of long walks beside streams of living water, gathering crisp, exquisite leaves of gold and silver on a beautiful, perfect autumn day that isn't really autumn at all; each leaf an infinite, priceless treasure extravagantly given from one heart to another.
We are praying for your family..thank you for sharing this precious memory and treasured vision. God be with you.
Tartan you and your family have always been an inspiration to me. Not just because you are such a close knit bunch, but because you and Naomi walk so closely with God. More recently I have prayed for peace and grace for you and your family, but historically I have prayed and continue to pray that I might be such a representative of our faith that you are. I know you guys are just taking it day by day, and that's all you can do. I cannot wait to witness the Collier reunion at the the throne. It make me cry tears of joy just thinking about it. I love you guys.
Jeff McLaughlin
I can't imagine what you must be going through, and have yet to endure. The Psalmist said "The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking" (34:18). --May it be so.
I don't know your family personally, but I have been deeply touched by your words. It breaks my heart to read this blog, but I am drawn to it daily. I am so sorry for your loss. I have seen your family at the dance studio and have always admired Naomi for all that she does. Plese know that I have been praying for you daily and will continue to do so. I can't imagine the hurt you feel, but I pray it will ease as time goes on. You have a wonderful family.
I want to give you words that will comfort you and ease your pain but there are no words I can give. I leave it in God's hands along with my prayers. God bless you!
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