Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Even a Crossword

I received an e-mail from a very good friend sharing an experience she and her family had on Friday after the funeral. It was what we refer to as a "God sighting". She related to me that the family was just sitting quietly at home after the service and her husband picked up the Friday crossword as he usually did the crossword in the Chronicle. The clue for 5 Down was "Name meaning Beloved". He asked my friend if she she could think of a possible answer. Based on a couple of clues already filled in, she asked if "Aimee" would fit. It did. They checked the solution the next day and there was her name.

I don't know if the puzzle maker was aware of our story and intentionally incorporated her name. Regardless, it was one more God-filled small detail, one more reminder, that she was and is Beloved.


Anonymous said...

our God is an awesome God, He reigns...

Sharon Richardson said...

Continuing to pray for you especially when I wake early due to jetlag and it must be your breakfast time in TX. Keeping looking for those God sightings Naomi - they are precious reminders he is a God of hope. Lot's of love,

Ian and Shona said...

Dear Tartan and Naomi
There is so much prayer for you and the family here in Banchory.We remember you with much joy and love. At times when your grief is so overwhelming be assured that others are bearing you up in prayer before our Heavenly Father, lots of love Ian and Shonaxx

Anonymous said...

because of Aimee, I am inspired by your family's great faith in God.

Rebecca Miller said...

Thank you so much for sharing with us. As you glorify God in your suffering we are all blessed.

1 Peter 5:10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. 11 To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen.

NSly said...

I am so blessed by you and your family! We love you.

Anonymous said...

Naomi and Tartan---I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you both and your precious family.
God bless you all and may the love of God constanly surround each of you.