It is not my intention to write consistently to our blog, but a couple of days ago Tartan said I should write again. And when I say that I will write, I have to mention that it's often a
joint effort. I typically throw thoughts down in a mostly coherent
fashion, but Tartan then takes it and cleans it up. In the months ahead I (we) will try to write from time to time so that all those who are praying now and especially those who will continue to pray will see that God has heard them.
It was one thing to know that getting past the funeral would not mean things would be instantly easier and in fact hard days would be ahead and another to experience it. Just like it's one thing to know where Aimee is, the joy and peace she has, and that really the time apart in the grand scheme of things will be short - but quite another to not be able to touch and see and hold right now. Yesterday I had posted to Facebook that it was a hard day; I had seen a number of reminders that would suddenly jump out at me. Even before I saw the responses, I had felt the calming and the peace of friends' prayers. Last night at nearly the same time, though we were not in the same room, that painful missing hit us both again. I'm not sure what it was like for Tartan, but I felt almost hollow inside. All I could do was cry to God for His mercy and comfort which I gradually received. Your prayers are being heard, and the Spirit also prays for us. "the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Romans 8:26
There are some people who read this who will assume that I can say these things because I'm "super spiritual" or "really religious". Not so. I struggle with finding time to pray and study God's Word, I do not lead any ministries, I have not been on mission trips, I don't have a YouTube channel, I have not written books. I watch some TV and movies and play games on my iPad. I get angry and impatient with my kids. I'm not saying these things to tell you, "sure, go live your life however you want", I'm saying that it's not the things we do, it's Whom we have a relationship with. Tartan and I have been walking on His path for some time now; sometimes stumbling, sometimes pulling back, undoubtedly sometimes just standing still but Jesus has always been there to pick us up or push us gently along. He has given us the teaching and the people and everything else we need to be able to continue walking with Him even closer now. He can do that with you, too; He is very, very patient. Though I hope none of you ever have to go through this kind of pain, the reality is that we all will suffer to some degree at varying times until our time here ends because this is a fallen world. Let Him be there for you, accept the gift He hands out to you from the cross, give Him your life because He will hand it back to you as something so much more.
In His arms,
Your family is never far from our thoughts right now. I have to tell you about Friday, about a half hour before the service started, I was at Fred Meyer, about to hurry home to link up. As I was walking out of the check-out line, I ran across Judith B. from one direction and Dan Conrad from another. We talked for a moment but soon we all had our eyes closed and were praying for peace and strength for you-right there in the middle of Freddies. In that same moment my phone buzzed. when I checked it later, it was Beth S. God was hard at work in Anchorage that day. Many, many prayers sent over our own hearts broken by your news and yet rebuilt to God's glory. Love, Lisa
Naomi and Tartan,
I pray for you guys all of the time. I cannot imagine what you guys are going through. Your strength is uplifting for me and you are certainly showing me how powerful our Savior is. He is there for all of us even though there are moments that we question ourselves.
The good coming from this situation is that you are reaching out to some who may not understand just how powerful Jesus is and his healing power.
For me, I enjoy reading your posts. They touch me on several levels and I know they are touching others. I know that you are bringing someone to know our Lord with your love for Jesus.
Thank you for keeping us posted. Thank you for your strength. Thank you for showing all of us how wonderful our Lord is and how he works in our lives.
Thank you my friend.
Merciful Father in heaven, please ease their pain. Let our brother and sister in Christ know how much we care and how loved they are. Amen.
Naomi and Tartan,
We were devastated to hear the heartbreaking news of little Aimee. I can't begin to imagine the pain you and the family must be enduring. It's hard to find any words other than to say that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. There have been several nights I have woken up in the middle of the night and have prayed for you. We love you and wish we weren't so far away...
All our love and prayers,
Heather and Dougie
Your times are in His hands.
Dear Colliers,
I was made aware today of the news of Aimee and am mourning with you. I found your blog so that I might let you know that you are all in my prayers. Your precious children have always been favorites of mine, and although I only know you all through my job my heart is broken.
I can't clearly express my sorrow or my hope that you will all have peace and joy in her memory. I am very glad to know that your faith in God will help to get you through this.
All my love,
Sarah Fischer (The children's department, South Library)
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