Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Into the 2nd week

We're into a second week of school and it's going ok. Kyrie started beginner band on Monday, and once we figured out which building it was in at the church where it meets, it went well. Kyrie seems enthused. Now I have to remember to add "practice" to her weekly schedule.

Alex did his first microscope experiment yesterday. He looked at a piece of thread- and thought it was really cool. I thought so, too. Hopefully his other experiments will go as smoothly. His Welsh is coming along, though I wish we knew someone who speaks it so he could try out his pronunciations. I still haven't found the Latin teacher's guide, so that's on hold for the moment.

Trying to get everything done in a day that I want to get done is proving to be difficult even here at the start. All I can do is 1. Pray! 2. Keep making adjustments to the schedule as needed 3. Realise it maybe doesn't ALL have to be done.

Trusting in the Lord,
Naomi for the Colliers

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