Wednesday, 18 July 2007

So much to do

If I don't write now- who knows when I will? I've been meaning to for at least a week now, but somehow the time disappears. We had a three hour shopping experience at Sam's Club (like a Costco for those of you not familiar with the name) on Monday so it's easy to see where the time went that day, but otherwise it's a mystery. :)

The really great news is that our sea shipment gets delivered TOMORROW! Yea! We're all looking forward to having our house feel even more like home with familiar things around us.

For my female friends back in Banchory, you might find it interesting to know that I'm going to be attending a Women of Faith conference in Houston in September. It won't be quite the same, but I'm sure it'll be a blessing nevertheless. It's a Friday evening and all day Saturday event.

I've ordered and received our school curriculum for next year. That was the fun and easy part. Now I have to review it all and plan out the year. That's the time-consuming part. I'm not really sure how it's all going to come together- but I have to remember not to lean on my own strength. I'll do what I can and leave the rest to God. I got very upset with myself because I accidently ordered a microscope that I got last year. Whether I sell it or have to return it, it'll be a financial and a time loss. On the other hand, in the grand scheme of things it's not worth getting sour about.

Have a blessed day, y'all. (The Texan in me is re-appearing.)

Trusting in the Lord (have to keep reminding myself),
Naomi for the Colliers

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