Saturday, 9 February 2008

Just another busy week

Alex was elected patrol leader for his patrol. Someone nominated him for senior patrol leader, but he respectfully declined. He wants to get a better feel for leading just a patrol before taking on the whole troop. His dad thought he should have left his name in, but I think it's fine for him to take a little time until he feels more comfortable with the idea. He has four years of scouts (as a boy) ahead of him.

Kyrie's ballet class are going to be mice in the spring production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe that Excelsior is going to put on. Abigail's class are going to be flowers. They're both working hard to learn all they need to know for that and for ballet exams in May. They both have expressed interest in taking drama class, as well as ballet, at Excelsior next fall.

Aidan is about finished with his Bear requirements and should be ready for the Cub Scout Blue and Gold banquet next month. He enjoys piano- but not practicing. We're really having to work on that. He got his orthotics and seems to be adjusting to them very well. He hasn't complained about them other than to say they were just a bit uncomfortable after having worn them for an extended time.

Kayleigh continues to be our cute little Bug- sometimes with attitude, but still cute.

We're having friends over tonight. That always makes for an enjoyable evening, but I should probably put the kids to work for a little while tidying up. I think I need to go take care of their wet things. They've been out in the yard running in the sprinklers, but I hear their voices now.

Blessings to you and yours!
>Naomi for the Colliers

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