Tuesday, 24 April 2007

A tentative beginning

I'm starting this blog for our family for a few reasons. One, as a way for family and friends to see how we're doing and what we're up to but are too busy to send an e-mail about. Two, as an "historical record" that we can look back on and remember. Three, it gives me a writing outlet which I have neglected for a long time.

The only problem is whether I'll keep this u ot.

I made this a Collier blogspot so that any of us can contribute to it, but to begin with I suspect I'll be the main poster for quite a while.

Currently we are trying to juggle our usual activities, including school, with preparing for our return to the States. After living nearly 4 years here, we'll have a bit of adjusting to do. Abigail's little Scottish lilt will fade and we'll drop certain terms like "rubbish bin". Others may take longer- I'm not sure I'll be able to call trousers "pants" again.

I hope to blog about our move and all the transitions.

Trusting in the Lord,
Naomi for the Colliers

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