Friday, 16 March 2012

Moving Forward

I know people have been checking our blog to see how we are doing. I have wanted to post something but just have not had an inspiration of words.

On the one hand, I can't quite bring myself to say we're better, or at least that I am. On the other, the pain is not so constant. Our counselor continues to stress (gently) that when thoughts come up or when I'm just feeling down, that that is a signal I need to grieve and so I've filled out a grief inventory to help me focus on the loss and not the circumstances. It's difficult, but apparently necessary. I'm not usually a very emotional person so these daily upheavals are wearying, and honestly, sometimes frustrating. 

I'm driving again- not a lot, but I am. I'm dropping the girls off at the dance studio a couple of times a week and I'm grocery shopping. Yesterday I had a longer drive. Longer than necessary actually because I got myself all turned around the wrong way. That cloak of melancholy still hangs over me wherever I go, too. The hardest thing now is when I'm feeling okay and then suddenly I'm not. Sometimes there's a trigger but other times it just comes out of the blue.

A dear friend shared a verse with me from Proverbs that describes how I often am.  
Proverbs 14:13a "Even in laughter the heart may ache"

Our continued thanks for your prayers.

Trusting in the grace of Jesus,
PS I was going to post this yesterday, but didn't get around to actually sending it in. Today Tartan took a day off and we went as a family to Main Event. We ate and bowled and had a really fun time. It felt good to have a great time together. I am reminded of God's goodness to us.


Melissa-D said...

I think of you guys all the time - everytime I look at Liam. It definitely makes me hug him a big tighter on a daily basis. It's good to know you guys are doing okay. I know each day is a step for you guys, but God is near. We're continually praying for you guys. We just wish we were able to hug you in person more frequently.

Naomi Collier said...

Thanks, Melissa. I'm glad you're doing well. Liam is looking great!

Anonymous said...

You write so lovingly of your debth of the pain and God's love for you and Amiee. I pray for comfort for all those involved. I pray Amiee's spirit will brush your cheek and fill the void in your soul.

Laus Deo,