Aidan had his last, and I guess our last, Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet. The theme was knights, so each den decorated their table with that theme. Though Aidan's den had already had their Arrow of Light ceremony at Camp Strake a month ago, they had another ceremony in front of the pack. They take each Webelos cub's neckerchief to see if he's "worthy". It's soaked in- oh I can't remember what, but basically when they set it on fire it doesn't damage the neckerchief. It makes an impressive flash of fire. Aidan has joined Troop 895 and his brother is the troop guide for the new patrol. Alex has been the den chief for his brother's dens since Aidan started as a Tiger cub.
While it's a little sad that we're done with Cubs, it's also a bit of a relief. Now the two boys have meetings at the same time and place.
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