After roughly 5 1/2 hours of labor (we're not so sure this time because for a while I was in denial), Aimee Katherine Collier made her appearance on 27 December 2008 at 3:26pm. She was born at the Nativiti Birth Center in The Woodlands. Especially considering she was born 2 1/2 weeks early, she is a good size baby: 7lbs 5oz and 19 3/4" long. The last child we had that was this early was Kyrie an

d she's 11 now! No pictures with Alex yet because he's been away at youth leader training camp since Boxing Day. We were able to get a message to him though and we know he's very anxious to be home and meet his newest baby sister. We've been wondering why labor triggered so early. It's been speculated that I was on my feet quite a bit Christmas day when we had some of my extended family over and on the 26th, Tartan and I went looking and test driving Ford Expeditions. Personally I think it's because Tartan got me a beautiful birthstone necklace with a stone for each of the children- including Aimee. Now he'll have to take it back and have a December stone put in instead!
We had only just decided on the name Aimee a few days beforehand. Kyrie suggested Aimee, and Tartan came up with the alternate spelling. We were going to have Elizabeth as the middle name, but Tartan lobbied for Katherine while I was in labor and our midwife added her vote (her name is Katherine, too).

We are very thankful that she is here safe and sound and that I'm recovering very well. Praise God!
Trusting in Him and His timing in all things!
>Naomi for the Colliers
Congratulations!!! She's beautiful. She's early because she knows the importance of another tax deduction!! Leah xx
what a little blessing!! Congrats!
Congratulations! She's adorable, and we love the picture you posted of the kids!
She's beautiful!! Katherine was my midwife too! I'm so glad that it all went smoothly for you.
Congrats!!! I can't wait to meet the newest addition to the Collier family!
What a gorgeous little one. Fits right in to the Collier clan. Congratulations to all of you!
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