Monday, 24 September 2007


I've forgotten to mention we have critters. Alex has a toad named Lucky. He needed to keep an observation log of a reptile or amphibian for a merit badge he started at camp, and fortunately there are A LOT of frogs and toads around here. Little factoid for you: a toad is a frog, but a frog is not necessarily a toad. He's named Lucky because I mentioned he was the lucky one of all the choices Alex had outside and he decided he liked that for a name. Alex decided, not Lucky. Since Alex figured out how to feed him, he's seemed pretty content in his tank.

We also have a cat. I obviously had not mentioned this to anyone in my family because they were all asking "whose cat is that?" Fluffy is a black and white kitten who lives in the garage at night, or when we're away from home, and out in the garden during the day. She was found as a very young kitten by our neighbor, but they couldn't keep her because of allergies. We decided to take her so they wouldn't have to take her to animal control.

At some point, Kyrie would like to have fish. I'm sure at some point we'll figure out how that works. Maybe I'll remember to include that in the blog when it happens.

Sorry I don't have any pictures.

Trusting in Jesus,
Naomi for the Colliers

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