No, not really. It's just I can't believe it's the 1st of May. It's already May!! My last post was at the beginning of April and a whole month has passed by. The girls have had ballet pre-exam classes the past few Saturdays and the boys just had guild performances a week ago. Tomorrow are the actual ballet exams and the boys have their piano recital. And then we're going out to dinner with Michelle, Mark and Dad\Grandpa. Then on Sunday is church, then a baby shower, then the AWANA end of year ceremony and Alex has PTeam. I guess that's how a whole month passes by without my making a blog entry. In fact, I have to finish this one up to take Abigail her regular clothes. She had a practice for an extra part she has with her friend, Emma, in the ballet performance in June. So, every Friday she'll be there at 3:30. Anyway, she forgot to take non-ballet clothing for drama class at 5:30.
Sorry no pictures this time. I was going to post some of the flood on Tuesday. It was incredible how much water was coming out of the sky, non-stop.
Gotta run!
>Naomi for the movin' & shakin' Colliers